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Martes, Pebrero 14, 2012


Location: Kapurpurawan White Rock Formation 
with my Model Merry Mendros, Hope you like it :)

Lunes, Pebrero 13, 2012

Emotions Captured

Explore! be Creative!

Once you have your digital camera, get a good-sized memory card (prices are very reasonable now). Taking photos costs nothing, so get out and shoot as much as you can. This is the best way to become a better photographer. Try different exposure settings and compositions, compare them in the LCD, and shoot plenty of photos so that you have a choice among them

Shoot your BEST

Digital photography is so adaptable and flexible that many photographers start thinking they do not have to
worry so much when taking pictures because they can “fix it in Photoshop.” That idea can get you into trouble.
Underexposure can cause problems with color in dark areas, as well as dramatically increased noise, no
matter what camera you use. Overexposure can change highlights to detail-less white that can never
be recovered. The wrong shutter speed will cause sharpness problems from camera movement during
exposure to blurred subjects. An incorrect white balance can create colorcast problems.

You do not have to be a pro to shoot your images correctly from the start. Simply know your camera and
be sure to make wise decisions for how you use it. This requires a little discipline and knowledge of photographic craft, which this book is designed to help you with. Although image-processing software provides you with tremendous image-adjustment power, you can always do more with well-crafted photos than you can with marginally acceptable ones. You spend less time working on an image in the computer if you have an excellent image to begin with.

Miyerkules, Pebrero 8, 2012

ISO 100

This photo was shot at ISO 100 to give the image the highest color and sharpness, plus best tonalities, while keeping noise low.

Digital noise is minimal throughout this photo, but it did require using a tripod because a slower shutter
speed (1/3 second) was used.

Did You Know?
You generally get the best picture quality by using the lowest ISO setting your camera offers, such as ISO 100 or 200. A high setting, such as ISO 1600, will have considerably more digital noise.

Photo Tip!
Although digital noise is generally an unwanted characteristic of a digital photo, you can use it as a creative design element. In the days of traditional film, photographers often used grain to add a romantic look to their
people and travel photos.

Did You Know?
When you edit a digital photo with an image editor such as Photoshop Elements, you are likely to get more noticeable digital noise when you perform steps such as increasing contrast, adjusting saturation, and sharpening an image.

Lunes, Pebrero 6, 2012

Giant Elesi

Bangui Wind Farm is a wind farm in Bangui, Ilocos Norte, Philippines. The wind farm uses 20 units of 70-meter high VestasV82-1.65MW wind turbines, arranged on a single row stretching along a nine-kilometer shoreline off Bangui Bay, facing the South China Sea.
The Northwind Bangui Bay Project is located at the municipality of Bangui, Ilocos Norte, Philippines. Located at the north-west tip of Luzon island.

At the shore

Its a morning day at beach shore of Saud Pagudpud,Ilocos Norte. A stolen shot with my friend Abe...

Miyerkules, Pebrero 1, 2012

Sand Dunes

La Paz, or the Desert of the North, as it is called. After a long trek on dusty roads and a hot morning along Ilocos norte we finally witness how magical the place..