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Martes, Enero 31, 2012

Ilocos Norte, Philippines

Enjoy the beauty of Pagudpud

Your smile is my sunrise,your kiss is my sunset.
Thank you for being the most wonderful friend and companion.

Thank you Mike and Merry...

Miyerkules, Enero 25, 2012

My First Photoshoot

Its was a wonderful day for a beginner to do a photoshoot with friends. Special thanks to my models to give their shot! Thank you so much.. Till next photoshoot Guys :)

Lunes, Enero 23, 2012

The beautiful swan of Baguio City

Meet Kirat a Siberean Husky from Baguio city 

Flowers offer a terrific opportunity for interesting, colorful and creative images. 
Later this afternoon....

I found this subject interesting so i try to have a creative shot by manipulating the aperture and the shutter speed of my SLR. Using my lens 55-200mm got a terrific shots!

Two colored eyes

For a beginner why photograph those things you have an affinity for? like your pets or any animals you see on the streets. Its a good start for a beginner. Like this cat he caught my attention because of his two clored eyes.

Linggo, Enero 22, 2012


Did Youn Know That?!?

Many digital cameras have shooting modes that automatically choose a faster ISO setting if there is not
sufficient light. Make sure that you know what shooting modes allow this to avoid taking photos that have too
much digital noise (which can come from high ISO settings).

Master Your Camera

My SLR...

To consistently produce the best photos with your digital camera, learn all that you can about it. Today’s
sophisticated digital cameras are amazing. Even pocket point-and-shoot cameras enable you to take excellent photographs with their superb automatic features and high sensor and lens quality. However, most digital cameras offer many additional features worth learning so that you gain important creative
control over how photos are taken and ensure that you get exactly what you want.
One of the best features of all digital cameras is the LCD screen that lets you review the image and
camera settings immediately after taking the photo. This enables you to check that you have composed
the photo as you want and that the camera settings were set as you expected. Some cameras even
include a swivel or rotating LCD for more versatility. Many digital cameras even provide a histogram to
give you a visual impression of the exposure. These review features encourage you to make adjustments
while you are still there with your subject.

Photo Tips2

Subject is everywhere

Once you believe in possibilities, you can find good photographs almost anywhere.

Travel for a wonderful composition

Travel gives you wonderful
chances for new subjects, but
remember that in popular
locations a lot of photographers
have already taken pictures.Just taking an
attitude of “I can find something
different here” and a little creativity can lead to new and interesting compositions.

First starts...

From your family,friends and people around you, possibilities for
great photos are everywhere. A
lot of your success depends on
your ability to silence the selfcritic
and say, “I can do this!” for
your photography.

Photo Tips1

Did Youn Know That?!?

Lets Start the fun of Photography

Digital photography is a lot of fun. Because you
can see your images as soon as you take the
picture, anyone can take better pictures right
from the start. You know immediately if you
got the shot or not.
To get consistently better photos, it helps to
get both you and your camera ready for taking
pictures. Most people know that focusing the
camera is important, but in many ways, it can
be just as important to focus the photographer.
Choosing what and where to shoot is the first
step that you must take before shooting. Read
local newspapers, check out travel books, or
browse online resources to find out what is
happening in your area. You can find great
photo opportunities at local fairs, botanical
gardens, nature preserves, national parks, or
even zoos; and when outside shooting is
difficult, consider shooting indoors where
conditions are controlled. A digital camera
allows much more flexibility for indoor shooting
than film ever did.
The more you know about your equipment, the
more you can concentrate on getting the
photographs that you want and not on learning
how to use your camera. Open up the camera
manual and spend time with it and your
camera so that you know what controls are
available and how to use them.
When you go to shoot, you will be more
satisfied if you are realistic; a day of shooting
does not always result in lots of good photos.
All photographers have bad days that end up
with only mediocre photos — especially when
the shooting conditions work against you!
Enjoy the experience of having fun with digital
photography and learn from it.